National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT) is required by the top 10 universities in the UK for Law courses. It is designed to test aptitude rather than educational achievement, since the skills that candidates need to do well in the LNAT are also the skills that they need to study law.
Test format:
•    LNAT is a computer-based, 2h. 15 min. exam. It is a two-part test: multiple choice questions based on passages of text, and an essay.
•    Section 1: 42 multiple choice questions on argumentative passages for 95 minutes
•    Section 2: one essay on one out of three topics for 40 minutes; the essay should be no longer than 750 words

For sample LNAT tests see here.

Darbi College Darbi College
ул. Раковски 58 1000 София, България +359 2 998 30 55 college@darbi.eu