Jumble Sale 2018
The Jumble Sale is a traditional fund-raising initiative organized by the students and staff of Darbi College. This year the Christmas auction supports underprivileged children from Lukovit. The event challenged the students’ and teachers’ creative and cooking skills. Besides delicious home-made desserts and stylish Christmas decoration, the avid book readers in the school organized an eager bidding over an intriguing collection of books. A collector’s edition of Dracula now holds the first place for the most expensive item ever sold at a Jumble Sale in Darbi College.
The total amount raised is 2317 leva. It will be spent on individual goodie bags for each of the 44 children from Lukovit as well as educational games to suit their needs. We are expecting some of the children to visit us on 19 December 2018. Stay tuned for updates on the presents we bought for the children.
We wholeheartedly thank everyone who contributed to the Jumble Sale!
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