NADIA BURDZHIEVA Bulgarian Language and Literature

MA in Bulgarian Studies, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Approaches and Methods in Literature Teaching, Specialisation
First Qualifications Degree
Author of several Bulgarian language and literature textbooks
Previous experience:
Teacher of Bulgarian language and literature at numerous secondary schools in Sofia and BSS in Prague
Senior expert at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education.


  • Social Contribution and Dedication – 2018
  • Social Contribution – 2019
  • Outstanding Performance and Dedication – 2021
  • Distinguished Educator – 2022
  • Darbi College Hall of Fame – 2023
NADIA BURDZHIEVA Bulgarian Language and Literature
Staff Information
Stay in Touch
Darbi College Darbi College
ул. Раковски 58 1000 София, България +359 2 998 30 55