Kiril Tanchev, Class of 2014

Year and course of graduation:
2014, A Level subjects: Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

BEng in Civil Engineering at Cardiff University, Cardiff

Most vivid memory from the time at Darbi:
Petya, at the front desk, greeting me by the door at her desk. Every. Single. Morning. With her warming smile, being the friendliest person in the world and no matter what kind of a morning you had, the one which you wake up and the world seems perfect or the other kind, the one when from the moment you open your eyes you have that feeling that everyone is going to annoy you, she always managed to distract you with her kindheartedness and benevolence and to warm your heart. Thnx, Pete!

How did Darbi help you succeed at university?
It taught me a very important lesson – you can’t focus on your studies if something outside your academic life is bothering you. No matter how absurd this may sound to some but in my humble opinion prioritizing one aspect of your life should never happen for the price of neglecting another.

Kiril Tanchev, Class of 2014
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