Open Doors Day at Darbi College 16.11.2019
Darbi College opens the doors of the first British School in Bulgaria to all prospective students and their families on 16 November 2019, Saturday, 12:00-17:00h. We are going to introduce you to the merits of the British education system and to a school that could become your home!
To respond to the growing interest in Reception year (Year 9) and the programmes IGCSE and A Level Darbi College organises the Open Doors day to enable visitors to meet the teaching staff and talk to the school management. In the meantime, Darbi College students will take the guests around the premises and share their personal impressions about school life.
Let us open the door to the British secondary education together and then step into the prestigious universities around the world recognising the ‘golden standard’ of the A Level diploma.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
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