BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) is a subject-specific admissions test for applicants to medicine, veterinary medicine, and similar courses at: Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Imperial College London; Lancaster University; Royal Veterinary College; University College London; University of Cambridge; University of Leeds and University of Oxford.

Test format:
•    BMAT is a paper-based, 2-hour test consisting of 3 sections with a total of 62 multiple choice questions and one writing task:
•    Section 1: Aptitude and Skills: Generic skills in problem-solving, understanding arguments, data analysis and inference: 35 multiple-choice questions for 60 minutes
•    Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications: The ability to apply scientific knowledge in science and mathematics: 27 multiple-choice questions for 30 minutes
•    Section 3: Writing Task: The ability to select, develop and organise ideas, and to communicate them in writing, concisely and effectively: one writing task from a choice of four questions for 30 minutes

See BMAT practice papers here

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